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Showing posts from September, 2013

You make me g l o w

Hi everyone! been messed up with school works, they're just suck. spending whole Sunday doing assignment. di-li-gent, huh. So, lemme tell you sth, i've been exercising sugarpop or popsugar,whatever. and... lose some weight, i could feel that the happy yet healthy lifestyle is here. until then...... Check up trip turned into culinary trip! ........ nyehehehehe and i'm sucha fatty whos lack of exercises!!  baby boy's birthday is on the 4th of September, but poor him, he fell sick on that day so the celebration is postponed till a day before our's(mom+dad+me) departure date.  JESSICA'S BIRTHDAY DINNER we developed the bomb me addict for 2 weeks! bravo! lovey dovey schoolmates gonna continue my sugarpop exercise!  bye! enjoy your weekdays! xx, f.r.l.

To know what is it about all of these times

Hi!  Several months to go. I hate farewell, i still could clearly remember how i dislike my current school. How i wanted to go back and gather with the bffs. At that time, i would  blame that Economy teacher. but at this time, i know that God has made His uh-mai-zing plan. wait.. i need to recall my memories, have i wrote about the won-der-ful retreat? Now i regret why i've been saying that i am not ready. For sure, mentally, i would always be not ready. But i know how i miss God, how i miss being loved by Him.  Okay, before i went too far, i'd better stop, or soon my reader(s) will consider me as a fanatic. Well, actually, i don't really care.  I don't really share 'everything' with schoolmates but they are just ........ Lesson learnt: It's always brain who had been fool. Heart always know the truth. anotherside of me xx, f.r.l.