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Me Before You

Ok i have to say that i am quite satisfied with 2 Distinctions for the previous term result. Both bro and I expect HD for the next one. I mean i was.. Not anymore. Lolol. I don't think i'll transfer to another school. I'll finish their two and half years program, and basically i'll just go with the flow. Me myself going to make sure, that i'll go back as often as possible during the remaining two years time.
Now that i don't know how to face my grandma when i go back this time. Just heard from my sis that my grandma is happily waiting for me to go back because she can't wait to see 甜甜的男朋友. WTF. OK,婆。when我有说要和男朋友一起回棉兰。。
I really have no words to say to every single question that my family throw to me. Either hahahahaha or uh uh uh. 
Since, things between 甜甜和她的so called男朋友 been not really good? I mean he's busy and whenever he woke up, 甜甜的day要晚了. As a very thoughtful one, she always compromise it off lah. 😅 It's ok only her sister know that she's suffering. Her other sister reminded her to shake that fat off or else her fans gonna leave her side and go to ghe greener side. Wtf. Like she care. I think it's her karma. 2016 is not the year. But it's okay, i always tell that this too shall pass. And i've figured it out that running out of the track, won't let you finish your run. You'll either stop or stuck.
2016 is when i finally understand what's my dad been talking about that a girl should not love more than the boy's love. You get me? No? Its ok.

frl dk whats happening
