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End of January

Hi there. Nothing new happened. Just me having tonsillitis attack back. Guess what?  This is the first on 2015 and the first time since I visited Penang. Well, it doesn’t last long. Anyway I will not get the operation done because I’m undergoing kind of a treatment? Lemme blog about it if I’m succeed with it already. Honestly, I’m feeling not ready to move to another continent only having sister around. Where’s my parents, nephews and nieces, sisters, bros in law, grandma, and families? I cannot take it for sure. Oh sorry for being so pessimistic, it must be the hormones from getting period. But really, for the past seventeen- almost eighteen years I’ve been living with all things that I wanted being served, no big deal happened in school, eat, play, laugh, sleep. That should be my cycles for years. Maybe I should pray more.
Well.. another shitty post of mine. I’ll make up something interesting to write next post okay! See ya on February post!


