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2014, two thousand fourteen, XXIV

January 3rd 2014

I'm not making new year resolutions anymore. I've realized that my 2013 resolution list had either flew to the next door or thrown away. I assumed that the undone resolutions is just .... kay, nvrmnd! you don't really have to know my opinion.
I just want everything to be better, especially the world.
emm, i kinda feel insecure for not writing the end of the year entry. maybe i'll stop blogging in 2015. LOL
kay, it's not funny at all.

H-3 to school! don't know i should be happy or sad as this will be my last semester.

my daily routine during holiday successfully gained my weight- i think so- but how coward I am, i never want to step on the scale. not until i've succeed to reduce my meal. I don't know if i am similar to the 90.99% girls who always chattered about how fat they are. but really, i do feel that i am ***.

time to shower!
have a blissful weekend!

January 19th 2014

Those well-said words that made you fell into a big hole and had super hard times for climb up.


I got so many drafted post!
It's not i'm as busy as bee that i couldn't update my blog, but I just couldn't choose what to write or post.
I thought that i'm going to dayre but the progress to post eat a plenty of time.
Still haven't decide what major to study and what am i gonna do with my life..
Actually it is a simple thing but yet it's me who made it look hard. TEEHEE.

hmm, thinking of shutting down my blog and create a new one.
imma let the memories that i shouldn't keep fade away.

You know what makes me hard to make a decision?

I wonder how people react when they read my posts.


July 6th 2014 

Jreng jreng jreng !
*i spoil some pictures*

Firstly, I am not going to spoil any of the stories. But just to let you know, that the book isn't as dramatic as the movie. The movie isn't that dramatic though. I don't find myself feeling pity on them because what they had was just amazing! Compare to other movies that involved sick characters, this movie isn't that dramatic but yet successfully made you cry!

I watched The Fault In Our Stars with le bff as i cancelled our first-should be-outbound trip together for the sake of joining unplanned SONW . Worth it though. What makes worst is i cancelled last-minutely. In exchange, I promised her to bring her to the cinema the next monday and watch two movies consecutively which were supposed to be Maleficent and TFIOS. I offer her to cancel both of our pax and find another time to go together but she refused to. Dramatically she said that she needs the weekend getaway. Luckily, her cousin did accompany her! Guilty meters lowered to 45%.
Turned out that Monday she was too tired and we agreed to postpone till tomorrow. The next day,we were too late to catch up for the schedule and finally we made it on Wednesday! Knowing that Maleficent is no longer on the cinema, we only go for TFIOS.
Woke up at 10-11, had brunch, took a late bath, hanging out, spent most of times at phone, read books, watched the world cup match, slept at around 1-3. I've been living life like this since my overseas trip with school buddies. I will wake up at 8 if there's something important to do in the morning. And I simply think that i should end my very luxurious-everyday doing nothing- days.
So, i applied for assistant teacher vacancy. In any point, i started to doubt if i love kids or i love my nieces and nephews only. lol. However, still have to go on with my decision. Although it's hard for me to cope with their pee or poop. Another lesson to learn then. I only hope that i won't vomit in front of them. ONLY.
And, the next step to do is to find or immediately enter IELTS preparation class. Fear of failing feeling successfully made me feel that i'm stupid. I know the quote that said "The more you learnt, the more you feel stupid." is it like that? is it? It is ofc. 
My mom has been rushing me to make everything clear, or at least apply to the school. I assumed that she's rushing me. But what to do she feels like she's only reminding me. Okay, mom. Okay.

D-3 to the president election. I try not to care about whoever will be the Mr. President as I really couldn't do anything about it. Thinking of their effort to be unfair really makes me sick.
Here stands one little citizen who is hoping that the future Mr. President could lead Indonesia into a better country.
What we need is neither promise or proof but  DEFINITE ACTION! 


August 4th 2014

-Seventeen this year and rarely people would guess it right

-Lacto-ovo vegetarian since SHS 1 {I'll write specifically on a post sooner or later}

-but consume animals flavoring whenever i want to

-still wanting to get my non-vegetarian appetite back

-got low standard of food {even if the food tasted not really nice, will still eat em}

-favorite food : based on what i am craving for

-favorite places : theme-water parks , bookstore , beaches

-am not Jesus who treats people equally

-shoes and books die-hard lover

-korean drama genres : politic, crime, mystery

-still will enjoy another drama with good actors and actresses

-developing trusting issues

-wearing Revlon lipstick because Emma Stone was their brand ambassador

-never swear "fml"

-super easy going if me likey you

-rarely care about what others think about me

-lil bit stubborn

-loves guy besties more than girls


-deleted running man series (ep 1-203) because hard drive is getting fuller

-enjoys outbound trip

-laughs furiously (sometimes)

-can be boyish or girly

-can be childish or mature

-inspired by Michelle Phan to wear make up

-got different kind of eyelids

-fear of reptiles

-forget easily but hardly forgive

-rarely leave LINE chats

-hates unimportant flashbacks

-hates sudden punishments

-always want to be better than le sister but never even once

-holding onto bad memories

-couldn't drive car and ride motorbike

-straightforward speaker

-enjoys gossiping but sometimes feel bad about it.

-laziest girl in the family

-supports FCB esp Neymar Jr

-dislike liars

-super bad in maths

-sings along old mandarin songs

-a good friend to the elderly

-loves kiko mizuhara x g dragon

-admire someone easily

-loves toddlers

-currently single

-couldn't stand the smell of super dirty toilets

-very moody


-tumblr and whi girl

-daddy's little best friend


October 4th 2014

Mind  vs  Feeling

The "mind" word today is about consistency. Typically, in my opinion, you have to choose either to be consistent or prioritize your feelings. Okay, won't write too much theory that only me myself and I  could understand. LOLOL

I have been trying to see a thing from different sides also. For instance, solving a rubrics cube requires you to observe all of the sides, not only one side. That's how far i can think to let my future-self understand. HEHE.

There is one condition that i am involved in, so as i have mentioned before, i've been working at a well-known kindergarten school in Medan and i have a 'special' boy as my student. Actually, i take care of him most of the times but that is not the point.<Take turn also, esp for food, indeed> Anyway, he is a very good boy. Please don't have any bad expectation towards him. Because somehow i feel like i am his-not official-godmother already. Ups, how can i spoil the story! Fyi, I've only been with him for around 3 months. How can i make decision that fast? Another information : I rarely want to regret my decision. I'd never want to.

But before i pour everything down, i just want to check have i ever described about him before which i think, i did.
Okay, i've done reading. I can see that the writer didn't expect me to write this whole thing today. ya la how can i only have meeting for him? sounds weird. Ok let's just call him as R.
Omg i haven't finished my sentence before lolol so unorganized. So, the last week of September, precisely on my Saturday, we (me and my colleague) had meeting to discuss about R's improvement and how should we treat him.
My bad, I did complain about his family that still let him to eat chocolate or else whilst he was coughing badly. Sometimes i can spot the chocolate stain on his mouth or shirt or chocolate breads on his bag and my bozz explained to me why and how it happened and that was the time when I knew that his mommy also had a difficult time on deciding being strict or spoil him which is as we know every mommies would spoil their child in any condition. Not spoiled also, eum like, showing love by spoiling him. Ha, that's the exact words.
Back to the story, R went to a lot of therapies also and they recommend him to have the GFCF diet. GFCF stands for Gluten Free Casein Free diet. Truth is R super love breads and chocolates. ( that's all that i could notice) that sometimes mommy would broke the rule and let him be happy for consuming chocolate breads or cakes. At first i thought this is totally wrong. Why on earth would mommy do that?  WO ZHI DAO LE WEI SHEN ME A! Simply because that thing will make him happy and nothing else matters when he is happy, well actually, many things do matter.

Okay mommy, R had me feel how it feels like to be you, maybe only one-third portion of you. That day, I let him to sit in my lap and sleep in my arms. <Usually i did let him also if he insisted but after a few secs i will use super firm voice and actions to ask him to sit in a proper way. But i never let him slept in my arms before. >
The consistency tower that i build for few months have been through earthquakes and tsunamis but last time it was demolished in seconds because he was unwell and to my surprise, he didn't nag or how like other kids do when they are sick. He still have a good appetite and managed to eat by himself also. <yey! another milestone achieved. even though it was not perfectly done, at least small improvement can courage us!>  After his breakfast, as usual he will sit on a chair and start to daydream or secretly peep about what his friends were doing. <again, i found this very cute as he could notice which bag that contain mnm chocolate or his favorite pororo or whatever else that he likes!> Somehow his nose was blocked and i think he had trouble on trying to cough out the mucus or sth was stuck in his throat and breathing problem. When he was trying to cough, he had his tears fell off but still he didn't nag or cry!!!! I was touched to death!!!! In total he did vomit thrice, twice with me which were all liquids. And after comparing our body temperature i decided to find his nanny and ask whether she has the nasal cleaner with her, turns out that she didn't bring and as i had discussed with le partner before, i decided to ask his nanny to bring him home but they should wait for around 15 mins for the driver to come. Whilst waiting in the class, he didn't show that he is in pain or how but everytime he coughed, seems like he was trying remove something from his throat. He crawled over my body and that was the time i let him sleep in my arms! He has been absent for two days and not to mention, i missed him alrd. He has too many good things to be mad about his bad attitude. That's why i find that he is cute yet unique.
All in all, his toughness that made me touched and learnt another new thing that i should record here.
That's the end of my post! Sorry if you find my post is dramatic or boring, but i still want to remember about this so i have to write it down here.



November 13th 2014

This post is dedicated to the best grandfather ever.

well, i hesitated around five mins already and checked my phone, my eldest cousin made a new chat room on our family group on BBM "All about Grandpa's memory and legacy." It seems like most of our famzie still cannot move on. It has been two weeks. wow, exactly two weeks..
I think I might cancel writing this post again.
or I might not.

It is not that Iam not happy that you don't need to struggle with the pain anymore but still.. this is my first time losing someone who had a big part in my life and I manage to control my feelings.. sometimes..

when I was little, we lived together.
I could remember my first time breaking the glass of the cupboard, I ran into my mom and cried, what you did was laugh and said " don't cry! come.. come.. gong gong love.."

every time we went out together, I would be the one to sit on your lap.

you're the one that i would ran into if i made mistakes, you will let me hide but when it's the time, you would ask me to apologize..

whenever i want to watch tv, you will never get tired to remind me to sit six tiles back and enjoy my movie.

i often found you exercising in our living room early in the morning every weekend and if i cannot find you, i can sneakily go into your bedroom and found that you're doing exercising also. i love it when you're exercising in our living room, you would talk about how much you love me and i am the one that you categorized as the "gold" but later on you said that i am your "diamond" lol i don't really care about the title anyway.

when i grew up, you spent your time more in TB rather than in the City but whenever knowing you had arrived, i would eventually dropped all of my things and run downstairs to see what you have brought for us! usually it would be fishes, crackers, and biscuits.

I remembered we did argue who get to watch the TV in our living room. you said that you would like to watch your movie and i kinda upset and went upstairs, but then you called me down and said i may have the TV.

You love to stock the Coca Cola, chocolates, and ice creams at home which turns out to be your favs when you're old.

That time, i went to TB and stayed at your house. I could recall your happy face and going out by your vespa to get us some breakie.

I also get to realise that almost the whole residents of TB know and appreciate you very much. I hear stories from grandma also..

So there was one fine day, grandma fell off the bathroom in TB and the next day, you and grandma immediately come back to the City. as usual, i ran downstairs and greet you,  to found that grandma is tearing apart.. and what you told us was to leave her alone first..

You're such a wise and loving grandpa.

I love you.


November 14th 2014

I've been staying at home for the whole day. been not feeling well from the day my grandpa was gone.
Sore throat is not a new thing from me.
from shs 3 i've been having sore throat as often as my period. LOL
 well, it is always followed by fever and sometimes severe headache. I'm still okay until that day my grandpa passed away and my dad is not in town. i was catching a cold and started developing difficulties in swallowing. Usually, whenever i have sore throat, I will only eat COLD food . it may sound weird but i liked it that way!
So, this time when it strikes on again, it is so different from usual one. like previously i would love to eat cold-served food but this time i won't even dare to drink it. To cut the long story short, my parents decided to bring me to the ENT doctor. I was not familiar to that doctor also i was quite nervous wtf.
I hate doctor as much as i hate eating medicine. I never take my medicine regularly. don't tell my dad ok.
We have sort of that family doctor simply because he was living next to our door only. but he is not a specialist. what can i do.

Last night we went to otolaryngologist and he said that it is not a simply sore throat but it is tonsillitis and it is ..... not in a good state anymore. HE ASKED ME TO DO THE SURGERY. tonsils need to be removed unless it will cause harm to other organs. sounds so creepy..
 i may watch medical dramas and not feel afraid of them but when it comes to my own body i want to die liao even by imagining it only.

He prescribed 4 kinds of medicine and they are super expensive but they worked effectively. unable to run fate, this time must finish the medicines.
mommy would like to have me to check it one more time overseas. so off we went, first overseas trip not eating anything delicious.
turns out, it is the same result, but they offered lasik with speedy recovery. lol.
my mum and dad went over an argument on what to do, but they tried to keep it low, so they said we'll go back home first. :) OH YEAH
I am surely one spoiled little bub, didn't get to eat anything yum, so I got a treat to do Parasailing. love u dad n mom!


December 12th 2014

  1. Travel anywhere, where would it be? HUNGARY and all awesome beaches around the world.
  2. Meet anyone, who would it be? my grandpa
  3. Bring anyone dead back to life, who would it be? probably my grandpa but he suffered too much so no one. eum maybe the one that antasari azhar killed lol so i get to know the truth.
  4. Be anyone for a day, who would it be? SERENA VANDER WOODSEN.
  5. Get anything for free for the rest of your life what would it be? plane tickets, hotels and resorts vouchers, restaurants vouchers, and eum taxes. 
  6. Change one thing about your life what would it be? way of how i treat unknown harshly. 
  7. Have any superpower what would it be? power to stop and rewind time.
  8. Be any animal for a day which would you be? wo shi yi zhi da da da da niao~
  9. Date anyone who would it be? current crush is on RAIN but eum you will never go wrong with kim soo hyun.. 
  10. Change one thing about the world what would it be? huge dilemma between people's living or no more lizrds.
  11. Live in any fictional universe which would you choose? atlantis for a month only..
  12. Eliminate one of your human needs which would you get rid of? care. 
  13. Change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be? dry skin!
  14. Change one of your personality traits which would you choose? laziness..
  15. Be talented at anything instantly what would you choose? master of management. yay no more uni.
  16. Forget one event in your life which would you choose? the day i puke out satay padang for a whole day.
  17. Erase an event from history (make it so it never happened) which would you choose? it's still the same with 16.
  18. Have any hair/eye/skin color, which would you choose? red for hair.
  19. Be any weight/body type, which would you choose? 49kgs wtf.  
  20. Live in any country/city, where would you choose? bora bora. 
  21. Change one law in your country, which would you change? there's a lot omg.. but first, no parties. 
  22. Be any height, which would you choose? 171. 
  23. Have any job in the world, which would you choose? highly paid librarian
  24. Have anything appear in your pocket right now, what would it be? medicine to cure my tonsillitis.
  25. Have anyone beside you right now, who would it be? .



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