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i know it's too late but who cares ?

have been very active lately. 4 project to be done a week before Lunar New Year. That makes me have lesser time to play and watch movies at home. I took the time of my way to school for reading books and before sleep to have a look at the news and new things via mobile. Strike a note : i sleep around 9.30-10.15 EVERYDAY. I'll tell you sth, i am obsessed to Big Bang lately, yea yea, i was. but i think that "feeling" had gone too much recently i don't want to be a fanatic of it, for sure but i really have no idea how to deal with it.
Have u guys watch the last season of GG? yea, i haven't but i watched some parts of em. like when it was announced that Chuck and Blair's marriage, announcement of WHO IS THE GOSSIP GIRL, and last one is Dan and Serena's marriage.

then here's my list.
1. A trip with

2. Big bang hard case for my phone !

3. G-Dragon Solo Concert Tour !

