Hello there <3 2="" 500k="" :s="" a="" about.="" about="" acompany="" alvincuaca="" and="" aren="" around="" as="" at="" away="" b="" bazaar="" be="" been="" begged="" better="" born="" but="" bye.="" called="" can="" chat.="" ciggarates="" class="separator" could.="" could="" coupon="" cousins="" div="" every="" fault.="" feel="" fennygono="" for="" forgotten.="" from="" fyi="" god="" goodnight.="" got="" had="" has="" have="" he="" headmaster="" heart.="" hihihi.="" hours="" house="" i="" idk.="" idk="" if="" iloveyou.="" in="" internet="" it="" jokes="" just="" karma="" kinda="" know="" lame.="" lately.="" less="" like="" little="" lying="" m="" malik="" maybe="" me="" miss="" move="" my="" now="" of="" on="" one.="" one="" our="" own="" part="" perhaps="" post.="" re="" reply="" s="" sayangg="" school="" short="" silly="" single="" sleepy.="" sleptover="" sold="" someone="" sorry="" style="clear: both; text-align: center;" t="" talking="" task="" team="" thank="" that="" the="" then="" there.="" thing="" till="" to="" togehter.="" too="" tweet="" unprotect="" ve="" was="" way="" we="" what="" when="" who="" wierd="" with="" would="" yes="" you.="" you="" your="" zayn="">
You used to wake me up with hundreds of PING!!! and how i realised i really appreciate our conversation when i always tell you beforehand that i'm sleeping.
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