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Showing posts from December, 2017

Half end of 2017

Dear you, Since you have short term memory loss, and seems to change phone every two years, here’s the half end of 2017 because it seems like you’re due for a new phone. Oh Love, you’re supposed to move to Tasmania with your sister this time around, but you just dodged it like a pro. You get to remain in Melbie, and you thought you were happy.  got to watch GD concert, paid the ticket with my own money! DAMN IT FEELS GOOD. Hahahahaha, after the emotional breakup that we had, he was just the most full of surprise man. I never really fancy flowers, but he put this in the toilet because I really fancy my toilet time. Hahhahaa.   Here, just in case you’re wondering where all the money that you earned went. It is kinda embarrasing to post my hanging out pictures out, but here’s the drinks, feels right. Nothing else.  Alll these time, money earned money wasted on drinks and hanging out. Boy glad it was not long enough to turn me...