Hello! MERRYCHRISTMAS . :) back from malay, things have been good enough. medical check up at the first and second day,third day accompanied mygembulsista to a dermatologist and she got her face burnt! LOL nonono, i'm joking. :b Me, mom and gembul went to shops all day,girls fave. but i'm not that shopaholic. am not going to explain further otherwise i'm hitting the code. ._. 25-12-2011 Okay, here i'm explaining to youyouyou guys all. I'm not longer listed as single but i'm taken. don't try to make bullshits again ya, stupid ones. take care vinvin :) you're my best of the best friend ever. if you're reading my post, let me inform you that i'm going to bury all those sweetest memories in my deepest heart. ♥ signing out! byee. xoxo,